What are the Different BIM Standards Implied Across Globe?

What are the Different BIM Standards Implied Across Globe?

BIM Services has taken the construction industry to the next level by enhancing collaboration, efficiency, and sustainability across the building projects. However, the implementation of BIM standards varies throughout different countries, reflecting its unique regulatory frameworks, industry practices, as well as technological advancements. The below infographic lets you explore the diverse scenario of global BIM standards across major countries.

What are the Different BIM Standards Implied Across Globe?


BIM standards in all aims to streamline the construction processes and improve the project outcomes. Their implementation do varies across different countries due to the diverse regulatory environments, cultural factors, as well as technological advancements. Understanding the unique features of the global BIM standards is a must for an AEC professional as well as stakeholders to effectively navigate the international construction projects and also leverage the benefits of the BIM technology for sustainable development and innovation.

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